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Leplus, T., Étude de la traduction automatique des bulletins météorologiques, : Université de Montréal, nov, 2004. pdf
Leplus, T., P. Langlais, and G. Lapalme, "Weather Report Translation using a Translation Memory", Machine Translation: from Real Users to Research: 6th Conference of AMTA, Washington, Springer, pp. 154-163, sep, 2004. pdf
Leplus, T., P. Langlais, and G. Lapalme, Weather Report Translation using a Translation Memory and a Phrase-Based Language Model, , oct, 2004.
Leplus, T., P. Langlais, and G. Lapalme, "A corpus-based Approach to Weather Report Translation", CLINE'2004, Montréal, pp. 7 pages, aug, 2004. pdf
Langlais, P., T. Leplus, G. Lapalme, and S. Gandrabur, "Approche en corpus pour la traduction: le cas METEO", TALN05 (Poster), vol. 1, Dourdan, France, pp. 463-474, jun, 2005. pdf
Langlais, P., T. Leplus, G. Lapalme, and S. Gandrabur, "From the Real World to Real Words: the METEO case", EAMT 2005, Budapest, pp. 166-175, jun, 2005. pdf
Langlais, P., S. Gandrabur, T. Leplus, and G. Lapalme, "The Long-Term Forecast for Weather Bulletin Translation", Machine Translation, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 83-112, mar, 2005. pdf
Mouine, M., Présentation personnalisée des informations environnementales, , Montréal, DIRO - Université de Montréal, 04/2012. pdf