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"The concept of sensitive words in Chinese- A preliminary study",
Journal of Natural Language Processing, vol. 6(1), pp. 59-78, 1999.
"Information retrieval: a comparison between Chinese and European languages",
Advances in Computer Science and Technology Computer Applications, ICYCS, Nanjing, pp. 1077-1083, 1999.
"Chinese information retrieval: using characters or words?",
Information Processing and Management, vol. 35, pp. 443-462, 1999.
"Cross-Language Information Retrieval based on Parallel Texts and Automatic Mining of Parallel Texts in the Web",
22ndACM-SIGIR, Berkeley, pp. 74-81, 1999.
Algorithms: a Functional Programming Approach,
: Addison-Wesley, pp. 235, 1999.
"A functional genetic algorithm framework and its application to the single-row routing problem",
The 1st Scottish Functional Programming Workshop, University of Stirling, Bridge of Allan, Scotland, pp. 12 pages, aug, 1999.
"SAAK Approach: How to Acquire Knowledge in an Actual Application System",
IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Honolulu, pp. 136-140, 1999.
"On Rule Extraction from Translation Examples in Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation",
Communications of the Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society (COLIPS), vol. 9(1), pp. 13-39, 1999.
"Errors of Omission in Translation",
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI 99), University College, Chester, England, pp. 128-138, aug, 1999.
"Using linguistic knowledge in automatic abstracting",
Proceedings of ACL-99, University of Maryland, jun, 1999.
Text-translation Alignment: Aligning Three or More Versions of a Text,
: Jean Véronis, 1999.
"Text-translation Alignment: Three Languages Are Better Than Two",
Proceedings of EMNLP/VLC-99, College Park, MD, 1999.
"La rétroacquisition d'un modèle conceptuel: une approche basée sur le modèle informatique et la trace d'exécution",
Revue Francaise d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 389-411, jan, 1999.
"Automatic construction of parallel English-Chinese corpus for cross-language information retrieval",
Proceedings of the sixth conference on Applied natural language processing: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2000.
"Web parallel text mining for Chinese-English cross-language information retrieval",
NAACL-ANLP, Seattle, may, 2000.
"Cross-language IR between Chinese and English",
International Conference on Chinese Language Computing, Chicago, jul, 2000.
"Parallel Web text mining for cross-language",
IR.RIAO, Paris, pp. 62-77, apr, 2000.
"Generating a Controlled Language",
International Natural Generation Conference, Mitzpe Ramon, Israël, pp. 141-147, jun, 2000.
"Intentions in the coordinated generation of graphics and text from tabular data",
Knowledge and Information Systems, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 310-339, aug, 2000.
"A Maximum Entropy/Minimum Divergence Translation Model",
ACL, Hong Kong, 2000.
"Incorporating Position Information into a Maximum Entropy/Minimum Divergence Translation Model",
CoNLL, Lisbon, Portugal, 2000.
Feature Selection in a French MEMD Language Model,
: RALI, 2000.
"Using Information Extraction and Natural Language Generation to Answer E-mail",
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2000), Versailles, France, jul, 2000.
Systèmes de réponse automatique: État de l'art,
, Montréal, Canada, Université de Montréal, mar, 2000.
"Choosing Rhetorical Structures to Plan Instructional Texts",
Computational Intelligence, vol. 16, 2000.