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"Translation of Idiomatic Expressions Across Different Languages: A Study of the Effectiveness of TRANSSEARCH",
Where Humans Meet Machines: Springer, pp. 185–209, 2013.
"Improving pattern matching in TransSearch",
International Innovation, Bristol, UK, Research Media Ltd., pp. 90-93, May 2013.
"The Bilingual Concordancer TRANSSEARCH",
NAACL 2012 - Demo-Poster, Montréal, pp. 4 pages, 05/2012.
"Identifying Translations of Idiomatic Expressions Using TransSearch",
8th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Copenhagen, Danemark, aug, 2011.
"TransSearch: from a Bilingual Concordancer to a Translation Finder",
Machine Translation, vol. 24, no. 3-4, pp. 241-271, dec, 2010.
"TransSearch: un moteur de recherche de traductions",
TALN 2010 - Poster, Montréal, Québec, Canada, jul, 2010.
"Enhancing the Bilingual Concordancer TransSearch with Word-level Alignment",
Proc. of the 22th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI'09), vol. 5549, Kelowna, BC, Canada, Springer, pp. 27–38, jun, 2009.
"Intégration de l'alignement de mots dans le concordancier bilingue TransSearch",
Actes de la 16e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'09), Senlis, France, jun, 2009.
"TS3: an Improved Version of the Bilingual Concondancer TransSearch",
Proc. of the 13th Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT'09), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 20–27, may, 2009.
"TransSearch: What are translators looking for ?",
AMTA'2008- The Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Waikiki, Hawai'i, pp. p 1-10, oct, 2008.
"Studying the Human Translation Process Through the TransSearch Log-Files",
AAAI Symposium on Knowledge Collection from volunteer contributors, Stanford, mar, 2005.
"TransSearch: A Free Translation Memory on the World Wide Web",
Second International Conference On Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), vol. 3, Athens Greece, pp. 1201-1208, jun, 2000.
"TransSearch: un concordancier bilingue",
Centre d'innovation en technologies de l'information, Laval, Canada, 1993.
"TransSearch: A Bilingual Concordance Tool",
Centre d'innovation en technologies de l'information, Laval, Canada, 1993.